We are all deeply saddened from the horrific tragedy, which occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. A single gunman took the lives of 20 precious children and 6 adults.
The Frenchtown Police Department and Principal Dave Bailey work very closely together in conducting active shooter drills, lockdown drills and evacuation drills. As you can see, I have an Officer posted at the school in the mornings and afternoons. I am also at the school in the morning. Myself and Principal Dave Bailey have been approached by parents with some questions and concerns. If you should have any questions, please ask or call my office at 908-996-2341.
In regards on how to answer questions asked by your child, go to Frenchtownschool.org, click on NASP Parent Guide. Be safe and aware!
Thank you,
Allan W. Kurylka
Chief of Police